The Trump administration is giving businesses and medical providers a license to discriminate: to deny services to LGBT individuals based on religious or moral beliefs.
In January, the Trump administration announced the formation of a Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom, designed to strengthen the protections for service providers and healthcare professionals who refuse to serve certain people because of moral or religious objections. This new division is already used to promote the right of providers to deny care to the LGBT community.
In response to the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, currently before the Supreme Court, the Trump administration is arguing that anyone who sells a product or provides a service to the public has a license to discriminate based on their religious or moral beliefs (Learn more about the Masterpiece Cake case on our blog)
In response, SAGE has created a pledge to stand with LGBT elders in the face of these discriminatory acts. The pledge is created as an avenue for LGBT older adults, allies, service providers, and caregivers to voice their support for the LGBT elder community and to make their voices heard in speaking out against this mistreatment.
As the Supreme Court deliberates whether to give license to religious-based discrimination and LGBT people are being erased by government agencies, everyone—especially those who consider themselves allies—must stand with LGBT elders.
Take the pledge here.